Friday, July 20, 2007


OK! Well, I should be a little more excited for the NCAA Football 08 game for my Xbox, but a lot has happened in the last couple of days! On Monday night/Tuesday morning at midnight I got my new football game. I got to wal-mart at 11 and was the first in line! It was quite an experience. By 12 o'clock there were a lot of people there. I am happy I got there early. Anyway, got home and played the game. Well, I have been wanting to get a Nintendo Wii since last Saturday's experience in playing it for the first time. I call Software Etc. here in the Boise mall and sure enough they had received some and I was giddy! I hurried up and went down there and got one. It is pretty cool. Sharen has some pictures and some pictures of her brother and I playing it yesterday. He is in town for National Guard stuff. Sharen told me that just while make his little profile, called a Mii, he loved it. Sharen and I have been playing it a lot. I love it because it is so interactive and so fun to do. The only downfall is that there isn't enough games for it yet, but I know they are coming. I am pumped for Madden 08. The actions and the movements you have to do are going to be fun!

As for NCAA Football 08, well I have only played it once since buying it the night it came out. It was a lot harder than last year's version. But then again, these past 2 years have been like that. The game from the previous year is a lot harder than the new game. One of the reasons is because they switch the controls up on you. I don't know why they do this. It is kind of annoying. But hey, I guess I will have to learn it all and go from there.

I just wanted to say my opinion on some things. First, there is an NBA referree that just got caught on fixing games that he had bet on. This is a dumb thing to do. But then again, reports say that he was also involved with the mob. If there is one thing that you don't want to do, that is the one. DON'T EVER GET INVOLVED WITH THE MOB! I don't know why people do it, but they do. Anyway, whatever. Hopefully he doesn't get into too much trouble. As for more legal troubles, Michael Vick is in a lot of trouble. Since him being at Viriginia Tech I have hated him. I have always said that he is the most overrated quarterback in the NFL since...Ryan Leaf! Now he is doing dog fighting. Seriously, I hate to say it, but I have been right since those days long ago. He just isn't a quarterback and he isn't worth the time and money. He is exactly like Kobe Bryant. Seems flashy, seems like the future, seems like the present, but just does not have it! That is exactly how to sum up those two. None of them have the potential to be big. Atheltic and exciting, maybe. Other than that, there is nothing to them. But lucky for us, when Vick goes to jail we won't have to hear from him again! That will be a great day not only for football but for America in general!

Anyway, that is all for now. Everyone can click on the right of my blog to go to Sharen's. She has done a little more than I have on mine. So enjoy both blogs and we will see ya'll later